Auto WiFi 3G Data Switch allows you to save a bit of the battery by disabling 3G*****READ BEFORE DOWNLOAD*****ANDROID 5+ ROOT NEEDAUTO WIFI 3G DATA SW
Auto WiFi 3G Data Switch allows you to save a bit of the battery by disabling 3G
Auto WiFi 3G Data Switch allows you to save a bit ' of the battery by disabling 3G when connected to Wi- Fi or disabling Wi-Fi when you are on 3G! Everyone knows that the battery consumption by the 3G data connection is huge , but even more so if you leave the Wi- Fi connection when not in use (eg when you are out traveling or in places where there is no Wi LAN ) and not many of us are connected to a wifi or not connected, remember to disable it ! Well, Auto WiFi 3G Data Switch does it for you!
Many people ask me , "But my phone has this function , I see the small icon change from 3G to WiFi alone ! "
I answer : It 's true , the phone SWITCHING from 3G to Wi-Fi but not automatically OFF THE DATA CONNECTION it nor OFF THE WI - FI if connected in 3G!
How it works:
Once installed and opened Auto WiFi 3G Data Switch will see a welcome message , a button and you'll see a brief message on the vehicle! At this point you may as well close Auto WiFi 3G Data Switch !
Question: " And if you do not want to connect it to WIFI 3G in it ? "
Answer: Just click on the button that says "Disable App" ! In this way, it is as if Auto WiFi 3G Data Switch is not installed !
What it does:
If you are connected to WIFI, Auto WiFi 3G Data Switch DISABLE 3G data connection and records the Wi-Fi you are connected to .
As soon as you disconnect from Wi-Fi or exit from its range (about 20 meters) , Auto WiFi 3G Data Switch enable 3G data connection and after a minute disable WI - FI !
If you reconnect automatically to a WI - FI already saved or you approach a Wi-Fi is already registered in the APP , Auto WiFi 3G Data Switch AUTOMATICALLY ENABLE the WI-FI, and DISABLE 3G data connection!
Question: " How much RAM and CPU consuming because it works in the BACKGROUND ? "
Answer: " Nothing ! Activates only when you change connection mode or exit the range of the Wi-Fi and instant ! "
The graphics have been greatly improved !
Navigation using the Tab ** **
Viewing ** Wi-Fi ** recorded on the map
Viewing and removal ** Wi-Fi ** recorded
Viewing ** SSID , connection speed , location and info about the status of notifications **
Adding notifications ** **
** Widget to Activate / Deactivate the App **
Download this App to save time and battery!
Stay Tuned !
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